This blog is a copy of the survey that our building
leadership team created to analyze the progress of our Teacher Based Teams and
to use as data to set the course for future progress. Our team used Google
forms to create the survey for the staff. You could easily copy and paste this
to Google forms to create your own survey. You will see a title to each
question. This is an option in Google forms.
In the next blog, I will share a summary of the results of
our survey at East.
The purpose of Teacher Based Teams is to bring teachers
together to review student data and create intervention from this data. In
addition, teams should discuss how the intervention went and what can be done
if the intervention did not work. Teacher Based Teams is also a time for
teachers to collaborate on instruction and learning strategies both before and
after instruction happens. The purpose here is for continued improvement in
instruction and student achievement.
Teacher Based Teams develop with time and professional
development. This survey is intended to find out where Teacher Based Teams are
now and how they can be better served.
Multiple Choice Questions:
Frequency of Group Data
How often is your Teacher Based Team collecting and
discussing student data in group format?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Individual Data
How often is your Teacher Based Team collecting and
discussing data about an individual student?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Planning Intervention
How often is your Teacher Based Team creating and planning
intervention based off of data results?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Intervention Results Review
How often is your Teacher Based Team discussing how
intervention went and what to do when intervention did not work?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Instruction Discussions After Instruction
How often is your Teacher Based Team discussing instruction
and learning strategies after instruction has occurred?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Instruction Discussion Before Instruction
How often is your Teacher Based Team discussing instruction
and learning strategies before instruction has occurred?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Sharing Leadership Roles
How often is your group sharing the role of leadership in
Teacher Based Teams?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Frequency of Sharing Notetaker Roles
How often is your group sharing the role of notetaker in
Teacher Based Teams?
Twice a month
We are not doing this
Sharing the Workload
How is your group sharing the workload (for example, writing
assessments, creating interventions)?
The workload is shared evenly
Some teachers are working more than others
This is a concern, because there is an imbalance in our
Principal Support
Is the principal helpful to the needs of our Teacher Based
The principal is helpful to our needs.
The principal is sometimes helpful to our needs.
The principal is not helpful enough to our needs.
Time for Teacher Based Teams
Do you have adequate time for Teacher Based Teams?
No, we need more time
Should Teacher Based Teams continue to be priority of the
I’m not sure
Response Questions:
What about Teacher Based Teams is going well?
Things to Improve
What about Teacher Based Teams is not going well?
Next Steps
What, in your opinion, are the next steps for Teacher Based
Ideas to Serve Students
How can Teacher Based Teams better serve the needs of our
How Data Changes Instruction
How does data reviewed in Teacher Based Teams change your
Measuring Outcome of Intervention
After intervention, how are we measuring the outcome in
Teacher Based Teams?